Happy New Year! Both Gregorian and Lunar~
Here are some things that should have been posted a while ago:
For the second half of Senior Thesis I will be creating a series of illustrations on the theme of modern relationships as documented, discussed, dissected by popular magazines and newspapers. This week I came up with three spot-illustrations for Psychology Today's relationship column. I have included my doctored version as well as the original magazine spread.


The following piece is an illustration for a short article that I contributed to the Alhambra Source. It focuses on the mandarin-english language barrier and is a heavily-edited version of a longer 10 page paper I wrote about a year ago. It is titled Communication Breakdown - I may redo it.

Other stuff will be posted sooner than later from over winter-break and new years.
Also! Paige Vickers has a show at the MICA Meyerhoff Gallery!
Here is the postcard for the show, so go! :

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