What happens to me when I'm in Los Angeles is I end up eating a lot of asian food, working odd jobs with my father, and trying to hang out with as many people as possible but failing to do so.
For the past few weeks I have been feverishly working with my father to clean out the house we have lived in for the past 14 or so years while working on electrician-esque projects at the local Hilton where my father also plays piano two nights a week. I have been speaking a lot of bad mandarin and eating all the Hilton mints which I can get my hands on.
I have noticed the abrupt shortage of illustrative posts amongst my peers and it pains me.
Well, okay, it doesn't pain me, I just start to feel bad for some reason.
So here is my contribution:

I swear I have been drawing other things too... I will show you later.
How long you in town for? Let's hang.
NIV! I am in town forever!!! But what town are you referring to?
Southern california "town"
I'm going to ICON tomorrow for the week but let's hang out sometime after that, soon
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